07 February 2014

2014 Medicaid Disability Eligibility Changes

"Effective June 1, 2014, Indiana is changing the way Hoosiers will obtain Medicaid coverage in the aged, blind or disabled categories. Currently, when an individual applies for disability coverage, he or she is subjected to additional, more restrictive criteria by the state than the Social Security Administration (SSA) requires for its Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) programs.

"After June 1, Indiana will automatically enroll individuals that the Social Security Administration determines eligible for Supplemental Security Income into Indiana Medicaid and will accept all SSA determinations of disability. This will eliminate the arduous and duplicative requirement that these aged, blind and disabled applicants also complete a second application and go through a second medical review process to be determined eligible for Indiana Medicaid with disability coverage."

Learn more about this change at: http://www.in.gov/fssa/ddrs/4859.htm

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