18 August 2009

Top 50 Autism Blogs

Can't get enough information from our resource blog alone? The Examiner has a list of autism support and research blogs voted in the "top 50" by nurse practitioners. Some are social networking sites, some opinionated, and others scientific. If you're looking for information on laws, politics, health recommendations, personal insights, or links to even more blogs, you'll find it in one of these well-chosen links.

See the selection here.

1 comment:

Autism said...

Autism is a serious one. It is a neurological development disorder for which there is no cure. Children with autism may have discrepancy in behavioural, communication and social interaction skills. Anxiety and depression also set in with these sufferers. The solution is early diagnosis which is difficult. Training for teachers and parents, autism specific child care centres and playgroups is the key step towards tackling this problem.