30 April 2010

Drug in the Works for Fragile X

Fragile X Syndrome is the single most common known inherited cause for mental disabilities. According to the National Fragile X Foundation, the genetic condition is responsible for between 2% and 6% of all autism diagnoses in children.

It is very encouraging, then, that a small trial conducted by the Swiss company Novartis on an experimental drug resulted in "substantial improvements in the behaviors associated with retardation and autism in people with fragile X syndrome." The drug is many years away from commercial production, but some scientists have speculated that when it does, it may help children on the spectrum who do not have Fragile X.

You can read more about the study, and what high-profile medical officials have to say about it, in this NY Times article: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/30/health/research/30fragile.html.

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