21 April 2015

Technology and ASD

An article on the use of technology for treatment of individuals with autism spectrum disorders has been published by the folks at the Indiana Resource Center for Autism. The article begins, "Statistics released from the Center of Disease Control (CDC) indicate that 1 out of 68 children in the United States will be diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  Studies indicate that 20-30% of these children will be unable to communicate their wants, needs, and thoughts verbally. According to the statistics reported by the CDC, that means over 20,000 children are born each year who will be diagnosed with ASD and remain functionally non-verbal. When individuals have severe speech and language disabilities, augmentative and alternative communication strategies (AAC) can provide them with an opportunity to express themselves and have a voice. The inability to communicate has a significant impact on  quality of life, educational  access, and development of social skills and relationships. The frustration of not being able to communicate can lead to negative  behavior challenges as well."

Want to read the entire article? Please visit:

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