07 December 2016

Uniquely human: A different way of seeing autism

Uniquely human: A different way of seeing autism is a 272-page guide to using a different approach to understanding individuals on the autism spectrum. Written by a world-renowned leader in the autism field, this book seeks to discover what is behind an individual’s behaviors rather than trying to just “fix” the person.

The book is written in two parts; the first part looks at understanding autism while the second part highlights aspects of living with autism. An extensive introduction discusses Prizant’s background work with individuals on the spectrum and his approach to understanding them. Suggestions are offered throughout the book about focusing on an individual’s strengths and abilities and how to support and enhance the person rather than trying to change behaviors.

Interested? Email us at cedir@indiana.edu to check out this title or use worldcat.org to find it in a library near you.

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